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Stupid Links, what a surprise
Most of these links are lame thats why they are here!

Really Stupid Websites
Britney Spears The creator is obviously either a relative who doesnt want to hurt her feelings, a druggie, or just a stupid dumb ass. They would have to be stupid to like Britney, either that or deaf.
Madonna's Wheels on the Bus I know I have already had this on this website like twice but this is just the coolest and stupidest thing (obviously since I like it)
Online Bubble Wrap This site isnt stupid but in order to get amused by it you would have to be.
Monitor Camera This is cheesy. Ali Filer tried to do this to me in person once but she messed up and ended up calling herself the dog. And she's the ultimate stupid person so anything she tries to pull aught to be here

Other Stupid Sites
Reflex Tester This is stupid cause I have a slow clicking reflex and the thing thought i was drunk (I'm not stupid enough to be drinking by the way)
Forward Garden This site is stupid because I say it is and I absoltuley hate with all my heart chain letters like Fwd:Fwd:Fwd:YOU MUST READ THIS OR ELSE YOU WILL NEVER GET A BOY/GIRLFRIEND FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, for most people its not the curse that would do it but they themselves
Adopt a Virual Pet The title should show the lameness in itself because duh thats exactly like those gigo or whatever the hell they were called pets which were out a long ass time ago
A Card Trick I didnt like this card trick at first and thought it was stupid but then i figured it out and realized it was for people who ARE stupid
Densa Quiz It should be changed to the Are you dense? quiz. I hate this thing it doesnt accurately measure your intelligence although it may act like it does
Virtual Insults This isnt stupid but I thought those of you who cant tell someone you hate them should use these, I dont need them cause I would rather say it to their face and make them cry or something
Brad Pitt Mandy's Brad Pitt Site, I don't know if it is still runninng or not but oh well who cares
Apolo Anton Ohno Kim's site on her man that will stay true to her and not date her friends (like any of us would go out with him but whatever)
Anagram Thinger This website is stupid because out of Kathren Fink it said FRAN THE KINK, and thats sick